A Little Help From My Friends

26 Nov 15
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. Every year I send a newsletter around Thanksgiving talking about gratitude, and specifically, ...

The Year of Living in the Present

4 Oct 15
Ask anyone and they will tell you this year has been moving at an accelerated pace…..here we are, in this rocket we call Life, sometimes hanging on for dear life, or ...

My Moment with the Divine….in Walmart

22 Dec 14
Yesterday, I had a moment of experiencing our intrinsic, inextricable connection with the Divine in Walmart yesterday…..I actually went shopping on the Sunday before Christmas….just for household stuff, not gifts…..and I ...

Light Always Follows Darkness

9 Dec 14
Light Always Follows Darkness…. As we approach the Winter Solstice on Sunday, December 21 at 6:03 PM EST, the darkness is winding down.  Sol  means sun, and the origin of the  ...

Blowin’ in the Wind

7 Dec 14
For many, this has been a wrenching time of letting go…..letting go of all of our old baggage, the stuff we have been carrying around for our lifetime…..I had an image ...

Fall, Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

23 Nov 14
This fall, I am deluged with stories of people breaking open. Sometimes they feel they are breaking apart, sometimes their hearts are breaking open beyond imagining. In Chinese Medicine, Fall is ...

Everything is Perfect

3 Aug 14
There’s a lot of talk (including by me) of connecting with your power. What that really means, is to connect with the Love that you are, and that connection gives you ...