Careening into Fall

22 Aug 16
So….you might have noticed…. the energy has been a bit wild as we are on the down slope to Fall.  A lot happening all at once: the autumnal equinox falls on September ...


2 Nov 15
As I am in the throes of forgiving myself daily for all my old skeletons of unloving behavior that are rising up in this time of clearing and letting go, I ...

Thanksgiving in September

7 Sep 15
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen….the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you….(a Reiki greeting that carries the same meaning as Namaste)….. I was walking this morning on the greenway in ...

Fall, Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

23 Nov 14
This fall, I am deluged with stories of people breaking open. Sometimes they feel they are breaking apart, sometimes their hearts are breaking open beyond imagining. In Chinese Medicine, Fall is ...