I sent a version of this newsletter in January, 2020. As the intense energy of big waves of transition are lifting me up and carrying me forward, this seems apropos to revisit.
Turn and face the strange
Pretty soon now you’re gonna get older
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can’t trace time
—David Bowie
I’ve had a lot of changes in my life in the last year. Of course, energy is always moving, and everything is energy, so everything is always changing, even if imperceptibly. July 10 will be a year since Ed died. Pamela will retire August 1. I can’t feel time passing. I’m not sure how we got to the end of April! It is only when I look at the depth and breadth of the experiences of my life that I know that so much time has passed. It takes time to re-assess and reinvent, and then re-craft my life going forward. And I am.
I used to think this song said, but I can’t change time, not trace time. I think it’s all the same, though. Time changes us, and we can’t change what happened, or what brought us to this present moment. When we look back, it’s hard even to trace the threads that had to intertwine in so many convoluted, unknown ways to help us arrive where we are right now. And all perfectly orchestrated, of course, for our highest good.
I’ve always liked getting older. Maybe I’m wiser, maybe I make better choices, but at least I have an appreciation for the process of Life. I am better able to “face the strange”. I am in awe of how people came into my life, or left it, or how I was guided and directed to whatever was for my highest good, even when I had no idea where I was going, or what I was doing. A lot of times were tough and distressing, and ultimately all of it brought me to learning to love and take care of myself through all of changes and challenges. Or at least the best I can. I still have life to live, so I still have time to learn how to take better loving care of myself. And Life keeps bringing us opportunities to do just that.
Whatever shows up on my path is my work at that moment. And my path always leads the way. And ultimately, it’s all good.