I have been overwhelmed, honored and humbled by everyone’s loving, supportive and enthusiastic response to the publishing of my first book: It’s All About Love: Metaphysics Demystified (A Handbook for Life). I wrote the book because people would always tell me I needed to write everything down that I taught and spoke about. I wrote the book because I have been wanting to write a book for most of my life . . . it just took many years to know what I was supposed to be writing about. And I wrote the book because I trusted what my editor and friend Beth Landi told me early on when I was questioning whether I really had anything to say. She gave me these quotes by May Sarton:
“From my isolation to the isolation of someone somewhere who will find my work, there exists a true communion.”
“One must believe that private dilemmas are, if deeply examined, universal, and so, if expressed, have a human value beyond the private, and one must also believe in the vehicle for expressing them, and in the talent.”
So I trust that in talking about my journey, it has some value to someone, somewhere. I hope that those of you who have bought my book will like it and it has some benefit for you. If you know me, a lot of it will sound very familiar! And as Beth said, I say the same things in different ways.
One dear friend wrote this to me: “So many more souls will be able to take in your observations, wisdom and guidance, as I have been so fortunate to do for years.” If this happens, if anything I have written helps anyone in their life, then my deepest wish will be fulfilled.
It’s All About Love: Metaphysics Demystified (A Handbook for Life) is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press.