The accelerated energy we have all been feeling in how the year is flying by, is also bringing up the ghosts and goblins of our old ways of being. These patterns or deep grooves are outdated ways of thinking and acting or reacting that no longer serve us, or are aligned with our highest integrity. But if your experience has been anything like mine, these old skeletons have been rising up and will not be ignored.
Autumn is a time of sorting and letting go, and making room to receive more good. Thus, I find myself in the continual process of noticing the old patterns as they rise up, being willing to be grateful they are showing themselves so clearly, being willing to let go, over and over and over again, and forgiving myself every time I speak or act or think in a way that is not of my Highest Self, my true nature of love and peace.
It’s a constant practice, as is anything that we want to become easy and smooth. Once we have the awareness that this is the path of life, and are willing to notice what rises up, then we have the power to make a choice. And therein lies freedom and joy.
It’s not that old stuff won’t rise up like wraiths or apparitions….we are always clearing out and letting go. In the space that is made, we can always choose Love.