My Daily Energy Routine

24 Jul 19
We all have daily routines. What we do when we get up, before we go to bed, how we work out. I thought I would share my daily energy routine with ...

Unweight Your Heart

17 Jul 19
Sometimes our hearts feel heavy. This can happen when old issues and memories  come up, or when unresolved situations in our life (that we may have temporarily shelved) show up again. ...

The Violet Flame

8 Jun 19
I give this energy exercise to students in my classes. When we work with energy, or simply are living our lives, we can feel depleted. Sometimes we feel we are scraping ...

A Portal

27 May 19
We are always part of the Universal flow of energy. Everything is moving molecules, including us.  We can’t always see the energy moving, but we can feel it. We don’t see ...

A refrigerator can be more than just a refrigerator…..

17 Nov 18
Everything in the visible world is a symbol of the energy moving in the invisible. Not that we always understand it, or need to understand it. Sometimes the symbol just means ...

Abundance Revisited

9 Nov 18
It’s always good to have an abundance of down time. Lots of things come up for which I normally wouldn’t have the energetic or mental space. So even before Hurricanes Florence ...

Simple….Not Easy

20 Oct 18
Through all my writings about simplicity, and trying to break this metaphysical stuff down to its bare bones so it is usable and applicable in daily life, I always realize the ...

Metaphysical Trinity

17 Aug 18
Everything flows from within, out… from invisible to visible… from Source, One Mind, Spirit, to physical form. Everything has to be completed in Spirit, in Energy, in the invisible, before it ...

Little Deaths

27 May 18
I think about death a lot, although not in a morbid, fearful way. I started this ruminating about death because as child, I had a gut-wrenching, panic attack level fear of ...

Riding the Wave

30 Apr 18
Everything in the Universe is moving energy, including us. And this energy is always moving around and through us in our day to day lives, expanding toward more good, no matter ...