Unweight Your Heart

17 Jul 19
Sometimes our hearts feel heavy. This can happen when old issues and memories  come up, or when unresolved situations in our life (that we may have temporarily shelved) show up again. ...

Mercury Retrograde . . . Again

8 Jul 19
It’s been an interesting Mercury Retrograde so far, hasn’t it? Lots of old issues coming up for review, reassessment, and release….emotions, ghosts (and people) from the past showing up, so we ...

The Joy of Mercury Retrograde

30 Nov 18
We often associate Mercury Retrograde with electronic or mechanical malfunctions or communication misfires or glitches. But think of the “re” in the word retrograde which means again, or redo; when a ...

Just Show Up

26 Aug 17
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. So the eclipse is over, we are in the last week of Mercury ...

The Joy of Mercury Retrograde

23 Apr 17
It’s been an interesting Mercury Retrograde so far, hasn’t it? Lots of old issues coming up for review, reassessment, and release. We often  associate Mercury Retrograde with electronic or mechanical malfunctions ...