When we stay on our own path, feeling our connection with our Higher Self, which is evident by our feeling good, we are also in a “don’t know mind” about everyone else. Speaking as a former know-it-all, I can tell you it is very freeing to say, I don’t know. I used to think that I always knew the best way to do something…..and as I matured, I “discovered” that, lo and behold, other people actually had really good ideas too! Just different than mine….and often better! Imagine, there was a good or better way to do something other than my way!
When we don’t know, we are open to possibilities. We don’t have to figure everything out. We create space for unknown – and maybe better than we can imagine – solutions to flow in. And it’s a very good way to get off everyone else’s path and back on our own. If someone asks you what you think about someone else or what they’re doing or why they’re doing what they’re doing, we can’t really know anything about that person’s motivations or what they’re thinking. We’re not living in their mind or their life. Much easier to say, I don’t know!
All we can change is our own mind and our life. When we realize we don’t know a lot of things, and we don’t know anything about anyone else for sure, and we remember that our true work is to circulate love and good feeling to ourself first, everything gets simpler. Then we re-focus on self-care, which requires us to be on our path, paying attention to what’s going on in our life and our body and our mind. That’s a job in and of itself. And the best adventure in the world. Because then we fill up with all that love and good feeling which then spills over….and that allows us to give from a full vessel.
I love this quote by Rob Brezsny:
‘I don’t know’ is an unparalleled source of power, a declaration of independence from the pressure to have an opinion about every single subject. It’s fun to say. Try it: ‘I don’t know.’ Let go of the drive to have it all figured out: ‘I don’t know.’ Proclaim the only truth you can be totally sure of: ‘I don’t know.’ Empty your mind and lift your heart: ‘I don’t know.’ Use it as a battle cry, a joyous affirmation of your oneness with the Great Mystery: ‘I don’t know.’
— Rob Brezsny http://freewillastrology.com/