What is a Guiding Word? This is one word or  phrase to help guide you, focus you, keep you on track, inspire you in the year to come.  Over the years, my words have been Joy, Embrace, Limitless, Infinite, Peace, Self.  Our word presents when we ask  our true being, our higher self, our inner wisdom. We all have our answers within us.

So, if you’re interested in opening up to your Guiding Word for 2017, let’s begin. Simply, curiously, inquire: what is the word that is a guiding light for me in this new year, this new cycle? Just let it rise up, without judgment. Just ask, take your time….you may be surprised at what comes up….it may take some time, a few days, or even into the new year….but at just the right time, you will hear it.

What if you can’t hear your guiding word?  Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have one or  that you don’t have an inner voice.  It may just mean that you have to grease your channel a little bit….your channel to your inner being may be a bit rusty from lack of regular conscious use.

Here are some suggestions: Sit quietly. Imagine the light that is your true being, with all your answers, sliding in the top of your head and settling in you, getting very comfy merging with your physical counterpart…….and radiating beyond your body. Now, as much as you can, just let go into your light…..and think of your year ahead, what you imagine, ask what guidance your inner voice/inner being has for you….without efforting….you might even playfully say,  is it this, is it this? with words that come up that you think you might like.

Start opening the channel by having the conversation, with expectancy, but not effort.  Allow your mind to wander over the upcoming new year and without attachment or agenda, just ask….and receive….trust yourself.  A friend whose mind is always active  questioned whether the word she heard was being given to her by her true, inner voice, or her active, thinking mind….when I suggested trying other perfectly good words….they just didn’t fit like the word that managed to be heard through all the daily mind chatter.  Trust you really do have access to your inner true voice…..it always manages to be heard some way, somehow.

The word you receive will unfold during the year, it will take you to many different places and have many permutations that may not be obvious at first. But it will absolutely guide you. I thought that I would be guided to find “Peace” this year in any situation. Instead, I came to realize that I was already Peace….but I wasn’t always willing to be what I already naturally was. And that was a great part of my guidance and learning this year.

Wishing you joy and ease in the process and adventure of unfolding  your Guiding Word.

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