
31 Jul 19
I’ve made some quiet time and space in my life recently. Having some space in our lives has some similarities to meditation. Making space in our lives doesn’t necessarily mean we ...

My Daily Energy Routine

24 Jul 19
We all have daily routines. What we do when we get up, before we go to bed, how we work out. I thought I would share my daily energy routine with ...

TLC for Your Beloved Self

14 Sep 18
On this stormy day, I want to share a lovely poem with all of you. Listen to this beautiful phrase: “….in the dense forest of your life….wait there patiently, until the ...

And just how do we stay on our path and mind our own business?

19 Mar 17
After sending last week’s newsletter, a friend sent this email: Can you say more about how to stay on your path and not let your thoughts take over?  Any books to ...

Shoulding on Ourselves

16 Sep 16
How many times have you said: I should do this, I should do that…..exercise more, eat better, sleep more, be kinder….and we all wonder how to do more of what we ...

Send an SOS to the Universe

9 Sep 16
The waves of energy have been very challenging as we approach the shore of Fall, sometimes crashing rather than flowing.  It seems timely to talk about how we do get help ...

A Sigh of Relief

2 Sep 16
September is here. Hermine is on the way. We are coming up to the Doyo, the 10 days before and after the change of seasons, a time of flux and transition. ...

Careening into Fall

22 Aug 16
So….you might have noticed…. the energy has been a bit wild as we are on the down slope to Fall.  A lot happening all at once: the autumnal equinox falls on September ...

Blowin’ in the Wind

7 Dec 14
For many, this has been a wrenching time of letting go…..letting go of all of our old baggage, the stuff we have been carrying around for our lifetime…..I had an image ...