
2 Nov 15
As I am in the throes of forgiving myself daily for all my old skeletons of unloving behavior that are rising up in this time of clearing and letting go, I ...

My Moment with the Divine….in Walmart

22 Dec 14
Yesterday, I had a moment of experiencing our intrinsic, inextricable connection with the Divine in Walmart yesterday…..I actually went shopping on the Sunday before Christmas….just for household stuff, not gifts…..and I ...

Fall, Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

23 Nov 14
This fall, I am deluged with stories of people breaking open. Sometimes they feel they are breaking apart, sometimes their hearts are breaking open beyond imagining. In Chinese Medicine, Fall is ...

Peace Within, Peace Without

27 Oct 13
Let’s start a movement – PEACE WITHIN, PEACE WITHOUT. The world out there reflects the world inside of us. If each of us takes just a moment here and there during ...

Touching the Divine….

4 Feb 13
We are always connected with the Divine, Source, Spirit, God, Oneness…..whether we can feel it or not. But periodically we break through all that’s in our way, and feel who we ...

Ah, Relief!

27 Jan 13
Did you feel the energy shift on Friday/Saturday? It’s been a pretty intense time, and I could feel the gears of my very foundation grinding away all last week. The energy ...

What if I can’t hear my Guiding Word?

17 Jan 13
What if I can’t hear my guiding word? is a question I am hearing from some.  Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have one or  that you don’t have ...

Happy New Year!

1 Jan 13
Greetings, dear hearts…..wouldn’t you know that I’ve been thinking about a blog, and then of course I was invited to view a blog….and along with that came the option to create ...