
1 Jul 17
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. The Summer Solstice has just passed, the day of the year with the ...

Take a Breath, Make a Choice

4 May 17
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. I was walking on our Greenway this morning inhaling the intoxicating scent of ...

Oneness….We can Work it Out

16 Nov 16
My Millennial nephews had some words of wisdom this past weekend…….we need to listen to each other, remember we are all equal and treat each other with respect; understand we will ...


30 Sep 16
In Chinese Medicine, Fall is the time of the Metal Element. We use metal to create infrastructure…and sometimes the old infrastructure has to be torn down to make way for the ...

Send an SOS to the Universe

9 Sep 16
The waves of energy have been very challenging as we approach the shore of Fall, sometimes crashing rather than flowing.  It seems timely to talk about how we do get help ...

A Sigh of Relief

2 Sep 16
September is here. Hermine is on the way. We are coming up to the Doyo, the 10 days before and after the change of seasons, a time of flux and transition. ...

Saying Yes to Healing

1 Jul 16
Thich Nhat Hanh says we “inter-are”. We are part of everything else.  His “I Am That” exercise reminds us we are a part of everything, part of the Oneness. Everything, including Us, makes up ...


12 Jun 16
We are in the throes of the Doyo, which Traditional Chinese Medicine considers to be the 10 days or so before and after the change of seasons, and a time of ...

Ah, Relief!

27 Jan 13
Did you feel the energy shift on Friday/Saturday? It’s been a pretty intense time, and I could feel the gears of my very foundation grinding away all last week. The energy ...