
9 Sep 19
We are entering the transition from summer to fall, even though you couldn’t necessarily tell from the temperature . . . but the mornings do seem cooler. And leaves are beginning ...

Autumn Reflections

19 Sep 18
Autumn arrives this Saturday, September 22, at 9:54 pm EDT. Fall is a time to gather, to harvest what we have grown, understood and resolved during the summer. As the energy ...

A Time to Let Go

22 Sep 17
Fall arrives today, Friday, September 22, 2017 at 4:02 pm EDT. Fall is a time to gather, to harvest what we have grown, understood and resolved during the summer. As the ...


30 Sep 16
In Chinese Medicine, Fall is the time of the Metal Element. We use metal to create infrastructure…and sometimes the old infrastructure has to be torn down to make way for the ...

A Sigh of Relief

2 Sep 16
September is here. Hermine is on the way. We are coming up to the Doyo, the 10 days before and after the change of seasons, a time of flux and transition. ...

Careening into Fall

22 Aug 16
So….you might have noticed…. the energy has been a bit wild as we are on the down slope to Fall.  A lot happening all at once: the autumnal equinox falls on September ...

Saying Yes to Healing

1 Jul 16
Thich Nhat Hanh says we “inter-are”. We are part of everything else.  His “I Am That” exercise reminds us we are a part of everything, part of the Oneness. Everything, including Us, makes up ...

Co-Creation…..or the Mechanics of Manifesting Metaphysically

27 Jun 16
This Abraham quote came through my inbox the other day: “There are no happier people on this planet than those who decide that they want something, define what they want, get ...


12 Jun 16
We are in the throes of the Doyo, which Traditional Chinese Medicine considers to be the 10 days or so before and after the change of seasons, and a time of ...

Fall, Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

23 Nov 14
This fall, I am deluged with stories of people breaking open. Sometimes they feel they are breaking apart, sometimes their hearts are breaking open beyond imagining. In Chinese Medicine, Fall is ...