Dust Bunnies

27 Jan 18
Maybe you’ve noticed it too. Since we’re all part of Collective One Mind, we often experience similar things at the same time. The dust bunnies are coming out of the corners. ...


1 Jul 17
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. The Summer Solstice has just passed, the day of the year with the ...

Your Right Path to Your Healthy Body

16 Jun 17
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. In last week’s blog I talked about the right time for everything.    ...

And just how do we stay on our path and mind our own business?

19 Mar 17
After sending last week’s newsletter, a friend sent this email: Can you say more about how to stay on your path and not let your thoughts take over?  Any books to ...

Life Is Good

23 Jan 17
Sometimes during sessions I ask people  to say out loud, Life Is Good! So they can see what it feels like, to gauge how true it feels. Often, people will say ...

Oneness….We can Work it Out

16 Nov 16
My Millennial nephews had some words of wisdom this past weekend…….we need to listen to each other, remember we are all equal and treat each other with respect; understand we will ...

Shoulding on Ourselves

16 Sep 16
How many times have you said: I should do this, I should do that…..exercise more, eat better, sleep more, be kinder….and we all wonder how to do more of what we ...

Send an SOS to the Universe

9 Sep 16
The waves of energy have been very challenging as we approach the shore of Fall, sometimes crashing rather than flowing.  It seems timely to talk about how we do get help ...

Careening into Fall

22 Aug 16
So….you might have noticed…. the energy has been a bit wild as we are on the down slope to Fall.  A lot happening all at once: the autumnal equinox falls on September ...

Light In the Heart of Darkness

20 Dec 15
The Winter Solstice is Monday night, December 21 at about 11:49 PM EST. We have experienced less and less sunlight each day since the Summer Solstice, culminating in tomorrow, the day ...